November 12 2020
Join us this Thursday, Nov. 12th as we screen and discuss Dark City Beneath The Beat (@darkcitybmore)with director @tttheartist , hosted by The @newarkive in partnership with The @newarkmuseumart.
September 28-October 4 2020
Stories of Us: A Series of Short Films Week 2
These selected films have been created by filmmakers about the spaces and places they call home. The sites of their work, the questions explored, challenges confronted, and narratives uplifted mirror the threads of communal experiences here in Newark. Curated by LeRon Lee and Yvonne Michelle Shirley of the Newarkive
These selected films have been created by filmmakers about the spaces and places they call home. The sites of their work, the questions explored, challenges confronted, and narratives uplifted mirror the threads of communal experiences here in Newark. Curated by LeRon Lee and Yvonne Michelle Shirley of the Newarkive
Short Films Streaming between September 28-October 4
September 21-27 2020
Stories of Us: A Series of Short Films Week 1
These selected films have been created by filmmakers about the spaces and places they call home. The sites of their work, the questions explored, challenges confronted, and narratives uplifted mirror the threads of communal experiences here in Newark. Curated by LeRon Lee and Yvonne Michelle Shirley of the Newarkive.
Short films streaming between September 21-27
These selected films have been created by filmmakers about the spaces and places they call home. The sites of their work, the questions explored, challenges confronted, and narratives uplifted mirror the threads of communal experiences here in Newark. Curated by LeRon Lee and Yvonne Michelle Shirley of the Newarkive.
Short films streaming between September 21-27
October 12 2019
2019 Newark Arts Festival
The Newarkive Launch & Happy Hour